The logo of The New Yorker is not fashionable and it looks like it has always existed. It has authority. Every week again I am happy when I take The New Yorker off the doormat. Despite the fact that I often don't get around to reading even one piece, I am happy about the cover, logo and mentality they represent. They remind me to continue to distinguish between what is important and what is not.
Herman van Bostelen
Herman van BostelenThe CBKU logo was in use until the end of 2012, when the organization ceased to exist due to the disappearance of subsidies. What I find interesting about this logo is that it actually doesn't exist. The basis of the corporate identity was formed by a font that I designed specifically for the CBKU and with which it was possible to give expression to publicity expressions in an unemphatic way. The idea for this arose from the letter in which an explicit request was made for a house style in which the name of the organization did not always have to be used, but could give way to project names in specific situations.