

Pol van Haren

Dog and Pony

Our most recent project is often my favorite project, because I am completely mentally involved. At the moment, that is the logo we developed as part of the new identity for the merger of BNN and Vara. We chose three powerful red bars, which on the one hand visualize (discover, reveal, unleash) BNNVARA's internal drive, and on the other hand refer to the 'hamburger menu'. We find that claim to the international symbol of 'content' a convincing statement within the Dutch Media landscape. The logo can be used both corporate and fully abstract and lends itself perfectly to a distinct visual language. A simple and timeless icon.

Submit your favourite logo’s!

  • What is the best logo you ever designed? Do you know why?
  • Which logo from another designer do you think is the best logo ever? Why is that?
  • Think carefully! You can only submit one contribution. Don’t take it lightly, but do some real soul searching. Who knows what else you will find!