
Logo Ministerie Verkeer en Waterstaat

Edo van Dijk


In the autumn of 1990 I worked as a young designer at BRS Premsela Vonk, predecessor of Edenspiekermann. With Edo Smitshuijzen, Mark Goslinga and others, I designed a new house style and logo for the former Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management. As an overarching theme, we chose 'Controlled movement, on land, at sea and in the air.' From piles of sketches, Edo S. chose a direction that I continued to develop with an early version of Freehand. My father once taught me how to create spatial perspective on paper with a horizon and vanishing points. This knowledge came in handy during the final construction of the logo. The logo was in use by all possible means until the introduction of the government-wide logo in 2008.

Submit your favourite logo’s!

  • What is the best logo you ever designed? Do you know why?
  • Which logo from another designer do you think is the best logo ever? Why is that?
  • Think carefully! You can only submit one contribution. Don’t take it lightly, but do some real soul searching. Who knows what else you will find!