
De Designpolitie

Pepijn Zurburg

De Designpolitie

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Because even the simplest form is open to countless interpretations. It depends on how you give meaning to this form. Please find below some interpretations of our logo.

  • Interpretations of the Designpolitie logo

    Interpretations of the Designpolitie logo

  • Interpretations of the Designpolitie logo

    Interpretations of the Designpolitie logo

  • Interpretations of the Designpolitie logo

    Interpretations of the Designpolitie logo

Submit your favourite logo’s!

  • What is the best logo you ever designed? Do you know why?
  • Which logo from another designer do you think is the best logo ever? Why is that?
  • Think carefully! You can only submit one contribution. Don’t take it lightly, but do some real soul searching. Who knows what else you will find!